List Available Bundles for a CIS-CAT Pro Assessor Version

The “CIS-CAT Pro Assessor Bundles” endpoint allows SecureSuite members to view a list of the available bundles for a released “full functionality” version of CIS-CAT Assessor.

Note: Use the “List Available CIS-CAT versions” endpoint to view a list of available versions.

Request Type



SecureSuite Members Only

Base URL



Request Payload/Parameters

In order to provide download authorization, members must first authenticate their license key using the /license endpoint. The response from that endpoint is an authorization token.

Request Headers

Header Name



The token received from a successful license key verification, e.g., 1234|7b68c544113bc4notvalid358ffd4ba7f254e39c4a842cefed748

URL Parameters

URL Parameter



The version number identifier for the CIS-CAT Assessor version to see the bundle list for, e.g. “4.1.0”

Response Payload


The response payload is a JSON array of strings representing the bundle options of CIS-CAT Assessor available for that version.

Response Example

                "name":"CIS-CAT Pro Assessor 4.40.0 Linux - Graphical User Interface not included with Java",
                "name":"CIS-CAT Pro Assessor 4.40.0 Linux - Graphical User Interface not included without Java",
                "name":"CIS-CAT Pro Assessor 4.40.0 Mac - Graphical User Interface included with Java",
                "name":"CIS-CAT Pro Assessor 4.40.0 Mac - Graphical User Interface not included with Java",
                "name":"CIS-CAT Pro Assessor 4.40.0 Mac - Graphical User Interface not included without Java",
                "name":"CIS-CAT Pro Assessor 4.40.0 Windows - Graphical User Interface included with Java",
                "name":"CIS-CAT Pro Assessor 4.40.0 Windows - Graphical User Interface not included with Java",
                "name":"CIS-CAT Pro Assessor 4.40.0 Windows - Graphical User Interface not included without Java",